Why donate blood?
Today is 2 years since our dear Davis left us. We miss him everyday, every minute, every breath. His infectious smile, laughter and joy he brought us all. He lives now in our hearts and I take him everywhere with me. As for today? I think Davis would want us to celebrate life, to help others, to be happy within ourselves.
One of the topics he wanted to write about is the importance of giving blood. Davis benefited from many blood products at various stages of his journey. Canadian Blood Services found a match for him and most blood products were from the same donor – THANK YOU to whoever you are! Davis talked about the message he wanted to give regarding giving blood, if you can (physically and mentally) do as often as you can. If you can’t (physically or mentally) THANK the people who do, appreciate their time and effort to safe lives. THANK YOU to everyone to GIVES or BRINGS awareness to the importance of donating blood.
A big THANK YOU to Susan for donating blood and sharing her picture. When you donate, share a picture or post on your social media, spread the word so more donate and others can thank you!
Canadian Blood Services has a website with how many days supply blood they have in the blood banks across Canada. Scroll half way down the website to view.
Safe blood saves lives and improves health. Blood transfusion is needed for:
women with complications of pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancies and haemorrhage before, during or after childbirth;
children with severe anaemia often resulting from malaria or malnutrition;
people with severe trauma following man-made and natural disasters; and
many complex medical and surgical procedures and cancer patients.
It is also needed for regular transfusions for people with conditions such as thalassaemia and sickle cell disease and is used to make products such as clotting factors for people with haemophilia.
There is a constant need for regular blood supply because blood can be stored for only a limited time before use. Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people are needed to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed.
Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person — the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells, platelets and plasma — which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.
This was a memorable day for Davis. He moved into residence at the UofC and set up his apartment. Notice the poster, guitar and sparkle in his eye. He loved his time at the UofC.